Thursday, June 6, 2013

EFT for Better Golf: Part 3 - Tapping It All Together

So did you try the tapping with EFT for better golf after reading Part 2? Hopefully you did it in private or at least told any onlookers what you were up to. If you didn't, don't blame me!

Moving on quickly, let's continue with the other parts of the EFT Sequence and quickly fill out the rest of the Basic Recipe. Then we can start putting EFT to use help you to improve your golf.

The Setup

Step 1 of the Basic Recipe is The Setup. That's where we identify the problem or issue we want to work on and kick start the whole process. Before you start the setup, you identify the particular problem or issue that you want to work on and express it as a short phrase or complaint. It's best to focus down to a specific issue here - just choosing "my golf sucks" is a bit too generalised. Typical examples might be my "shanking problem" or my "fear of the water on the 6th hole" The more specific you are the more likely you are to get quick and effective results.

So now you've got your problem statement, you then need to do something very strange again. You have to find your Sore Spot - sounds painful. It's on the left hand side of your chest midway between the crease of your armpit and the front-centre of your chest. Find the exact point by and pressing firmly, without damaging yourself, while moving your finger around the area until you find a slight hollow and say ouch - that's the sore spot.

Assuming you were focussing on "this shanking problem" start continuously rubbing your Sore Spot while saying the following sentence out loud three times,

"Even though I have this shanking problem, I deeply and completely accept myself."

Now I know that sounds odd, but it works and I just know your golf is worth the embarrassment. Just substitute your own problem for "this shanking problem" and you have your own Setup Statement. Now summarise that down into a simple reminder phrase like "shanking", "fear of the water" or just simply "this problem". You'll use this phrase again in the Sequence.

If you find the Sore Spot too sore for this, then say your Setup Statement out loud three times while continuously tapping on the Karate Point on your hand.

The 9 Gamut Procedure

Now if that sounds really weird, it is. It makes all the other weird stuff sound perfectly normal. This is as a bizarre cross-brain stimulation exercise and for those of you familiar with NLP it also serves to break state.

First time you do this, you'll obviously need to find the Gamut Point. It's a little hollow on the back of either hand about ½ to ¾ inch down towards your wrist from the midpoint between the knuckles at the base of your ring and little fingers.

Now you've found your Gamut Point, here's the procedure - I did say it was weird, didn't I?

Do the following 9 actions while continuously tapping your gamut point

1. Eyes fully closed

2. Eyes fully open

3. Eyes look hard down to your right - keeping your head still

4. Eyes look hard down to your left - keeping your head still

5. Roll your eyes round in a full circle

6. Roll your eyes round in the opposite direction

7. Hum 5 seconds of a "silly" song - I use "Happy Birthday"

8. Count out loud from 1 to 5

9. Hum 5 seconds of a "silly" song again.

Tapping it all together - The Basic Recipe

Now that you've got all the steps, you're ready to use EFT on a golf problem or issue. Here's a reminder of the Basic Recipe using "this shanking problem."

1. The Setup

a. Identify your key phrase - "this shanking problem"

b. Start rubbing your sore spot (or tapping on your Karate Point)

c. Repeat your setup statement 3 times

i. "Even though I have this shanking problem, I deeply & completely accept myself"

ii. "Even though I have this shanking problem, I deeply & completely accept myself"

iii. "Even though I have this shanking problem, I deeply & completely accept myself "

d. Stop rubbing

2. SUDS Score - Assess the severity of your feeling about the problem on a scale of 1 to 10 - the SUDS score - where 1 is no problem and 10 is the most extreme problem.

3. The Sequence

a. Tap about seven times on each of the 12 tapping points in turn. I outlined these yesterday in EFT for Better Golf: Part 2.

b. Repeat the Setup Reminder out loud as you tap on each point - "shanking ".

4. The 9 Gamut Procedure

a. Tap continuously on your Gamut Point during this procedure

b. Carry out the nine actions listed above.

5. Repeat The Sequence above

6. SUDS Score - Assess the severity of your feeling about the problem now using the SUDS scale and note any change. If it's gone down, you are really getting somewhere.

So that's the complete Basic Process and it takes a lot longer for me to describe it than for you to do it- I reckon about 3-5 minutes

If you'd like to reduce your SUDS level even further, just repeat the Basic Recipe later using a different Setup Statement. This time say "Even though I still have some of this shanking problem, I completely and utterly accept myself." You could also change the Setup Reminder to "still shanking" or "this remaining shanking problem."

Finally - you could say at last!

Remember to use your own Setup Statement as you don't want to think about my shanking problem! And remember there's a good diagram of all this at to look at Gwenn Bonnell's wonderfully named website

If you want the fully detailed explanation of the process with diagrams of the tapping points, you can download the free 80-page official EFT Manual free at Gary Craig's website -

So that's all about EFT, apart from some examples of people using EFT for Better Golf that I'll be describing in the Part 4 the final instalment

You can find additional info at the following links:

Click Here for more information
Click Here for more information

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