Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The No. 1 of Golf Tips

In golf courses all over the world, golfers continue to play, looking for new golf tips, changing their swing, changing their clubs, changing their clothes and trying to change everything because they sense that they have hit a plateau. This happened to me after I had been playing golf for 10 years. I kept playing with these frustrations for another 10 years until I discovered a one of the greatest of golf tips to overcome my frustration and reach a new level in my golf game.

I had become aware that when I was playing a round of golf most times I could play 5 or 6 holes of good golf and then I would have one bad shot or miss one short put. This would ruin my whole day and I could never get back on track. Several times I tried to have a few beers to get back on track. That didn’t work either. It helped me deal with my frustration but did not improve my golf game.

After 20 years of playing golf, I learned how to deal with the mental problem of golf.

The No. 1 of golf tips that I learned was that I had to overcome the mental obstacle to good golf. I found a golf relaxation tape that taught me how to sort of hypnotize myself and completely focus on a good golf swing, even after a bad shot. There are a variety of methods to accomplish this No. 1 of golf tips, some through hypnosis, some through focus techniques and various other methods. I was able to overcome the mental obstacle through listening to tapes.

If you want to enjoy and play golf better, you must conquer the mental side of golf.

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