Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God Bless Charities

God Bless Charities. Angels or Crooks?

Have you seen many of the channel 2 new casts that investigates a charity called God Bless Charities where the owner who's name is Calvin Tarver has been dragged across the TV screen? These shows that were brought up by Amy Davis of channel 2, where she gives you all of the information on what GBC does to get the money and even what he does with the money when he receives it. In the investigative news that they showed on channel 2 news that Mr. Tarver is nothing other than a panhandler, they say that he cheated people out of their money and it is not being used for what the permit states its for. Well when she spoke on how he was such a big liar, thief, and conartist, she also showed you that he made over 45,000 in fundraising for a period of only 9 months. Then she stated that he paid out over 19,000 in stipends for the people who help fundraise this money for this cause. She then showed you a video of him giving out clothes and serving over 200 people on the street who have HIV, who are homeless and without family. This is the same man who took your money and donations to make informational flyers give out protection to men and women and talk to them about having safe sex practices. This is the same man who gives his last to help anyone in need. Yes he is human too he has to support his family as well as anyone else in this world. is he a crook just because he is choose to use his mind to find a way to help himself and well as 1000's of other people with education, jobs, and help them keep a roof over there head. The people you see out there are people who society would not give a second chance to work at their restaurants or office buildings or even at their daycares. God bless gave many people jobs, food, clothes, as well as help keep them from begging from you the wrong way. The people get up everyday just like they would a job and they get paid just like a job. Amy stated that one of the workers said they get paid 30% for every 99 they make but if you add that up and they work 6-8 hrs a day and they end up with less than $4hr that's not even minimum wage. God Bless Charities does this so that they will be motivated to get up each day and get up and go out and promote to help others who are down and out. Those who are out casted by their families and the government just forgot about. This organization is doing nothing wrong compared to all the other people in this work who are just trying to survive this hard economy we are now living in. think about this. their are rapists, thieves, sexual predators, domestic abusers, gangs, and many more people out their that society should be investigating and trying to stop rather than trying to step on a charity that is actually doing a lot for the community. GBC does not turn anyone down who wants to change and needs the help all they need is a change and Calvin is the only man in this community helping do that right now. The charities she mentioned like ahch claim that people would be out on the street because they don't have the funds but the question is what are they doing to prevent that? They don't try any fundraisers or charity events to help promote hiv/awareness and as far as them being out on streets what about the ones who are on the streets now who can't get help through arch where do they go? There are many ways to look at this and the way it had been aired is completely wrong. This charity shows what it does with the money I believe that this organization's name has been slandered tremendously and I believe that Amy and the lady who started all this should publicly apologize because they do not have their facts straight. You say that he switches topics 4 times but do you even know what the topic represents. You call channel two news and tell them that GBC Calvin Tarver is a moron, cheat and a swindler. Well I believe you're the idiot for not looking at the big story. You are trying to make his name bad and think he only wants to get money out of the people of Houston to put into his pockets. I believe your upset that you couldn't put together or even come up with the thought of putting together and organization this big and this good. Yes he has collected for many different charities but it was all to help the people. The fact is he changed with what was going on in society today to help the homeless which are most likely the ones with the disease the drug users and other people who live on the streets, sharing needles, and having unprotected sex because society has turned away from helping them because the way they look, smell, or even try to approach them. I believe this man and many other people see the change he has made. There are many organizations out for the same types of charities why can't he be one of them? You see where the money is going and it's not all going in his pocket. The world is changing and it is getting worse for our children and their children. We cannot survive on the government alone because not all of us are given that chance. Maybe you need to look at yourself and what you have accomplished in helping your children's future and your grandchildren's future cause this world isn't going to give it to you like candy. You need to stop harassing Calvin Tarver & GBC and get a life because if you can't see the good he is doing for the people in the community then you really need to take a laxative and release that crap you got holding inside and move on. You need to try and help with your own fundraisers and charities and give it how you feel is right because every charity out their does not help all the people just certain kind of people and GBC has shown no racism of any kind when he is working each and everyday to keep people with food, clothing, and job to make a little money to survive in this world. Now you tell me is he really a crook or an angel?

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