Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Golf Swing Plane Trainer - Get In

The terms "swinging on plane" and "swinging in the slot" mean the same thing. However, calling it "the slot" often creates a mystique around the concept that need not exist! It's kind of like saying, I stepped into the zone yesterday and shot 17 under... If we just call it swinging on plane then it becomes a more tangible thing to try and accomplish in our swing!

Swinging On Plane Creates Effortless Power and Better Direction

We've all had those days...You just wind up and rip the ball as hard as you want, and it just goes further! And stays on line! Other days? Look out cookout! The difference? We are swinging on plane on those good days.

Using a golf swing plane trainer will cure a hook, a slice, pushes and pulls, and help you gain distance and better accuracy.

A Few Types Of golf swing Plane Trainers To Consider

There are tons of devices out on the market that will have you swinging on plane.

1) "Hula Hoop" style trainer- Maybe you have seen these on your search. Basically you swing the club, keeping contact with the circle of piping to ingrain the on plane swing in your muscle memory.

2) Various other trainers- Some use a pole in the ground attached to a rope, others use levels and lines.

3) Golf club swing trainer- These use different hinging methods to keep your club on plane.

So now you just need to choose the right type of device for you and start improving your swing dramatically!

A Golf Swing Plane Trainer Can Dramatically Improve Your Game...But Is It Practical?

Who wants to take a massive device that won't fit in the car to even get to the range?

Click to see our Hot Pick for best Swing Plane Trainer.

For more on straightening out your shots, gaining distance and dropping your scores, go to http://www.BestSliceCure.com!

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