Saturday, April 27, 2013

What Makes a Perfect Golf Swing?

Every golf player, novice or seasoned, wants to achieve the perfect golf swing. Technically speaking though, the perfect golf swing does not exist. Each golfer has a unique physical stature and makes use of various methods to control muscle and body movements, resulting in a stance and swing that are different from the rest of the players'. Although it is true that there is no standardized perfect golf swing, each player can come up with a style of swing that works perfectly for them.

Hence, when we talk about the perfect golf swing, we refer to the kind of swing that is balanced and fast enough to drive the ball into the area where you want it to go.

The first step in achieving the right swing is to find the right set of clubs. Fitted clubs are one of your best options as they are suited for your own needs. If they prove to be too costly for you, then at least find ones that fit closely to your built. Children at their ideal height should stick to using junior golf equipment, while tall men and women should go for lengthy clubs.

A junior golfer using a club that is designed for a player well over six feet tall are probably going to accumulate more divots than points. A tall person, on the other hand, who uses junior golf equipment would most likely fail to make proper impact with the ball once he hits it with the wrong length of club.

Though it is true that players can stand up straighter or bend their knees to adjust to the height of the club, players will have a higher chance of making the perfect golf swing when they assume a stance that feels close to natural.

The other important factor that can help a player achieve the perfect golf swing is balance. Achieving the perfect golf swing not just requires the right movements of your arms and hands, but footwork as well. A good golf swing begins with the players weight equally distributed on both feet. When the player swings back the club, weight is shifted to the leading foot, and gradually to the other foot as the player makes a down swing.

Consistent speed is also important in making the perfect golf swing. Many golfers make the mistake of increasing the speed during the down swing in an effort to drive the ball into a farther distance. Most players fail to realize that this will only send the ball off the fairway, meaning opposite the direction they want the ball to go.

Yap Shirley has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in Maglite Rechargeable Flashlight which discuss and review about Black Light Flashlight.

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