Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jack Moorehouse

golf tips On Making Impact">Three golf tips On Making Impact

Copyright (c) 2011 Jack Moorehouse Impact is the moment of truth in golf. Impact is where the rubber meets the road—no matter what your golf handicap. Jim Flick, noted teacher and author, provides golf lessons to Tour professionals for a living. He poi... Read >

Keys To Creating A Solid One-Plane Swing

Copyright (c) 2011 Jack Moorehouse golf swings fall into one of two basic types. With a one-plane swing, the golfer bends over more and swings around her body. With the two-plane swing, the golfer stands upright more and shifts her weight from back to ... Read >

Building Confidence In Your Lag Putting

Copyright (c) 2011 Jack Moorehouse Weekend golfers are finding it harder these days to hole out in two. It's not because they're bad putters. It's because today's greens are larger than in the past and there are more courses than previously. Hence, the... Read >

Five Keys To Hitting Crisp Wedges

Copyright (c) 2011 Jack Moorehouse A recent article PGA standout Sergio Garcia stressed the importance of hitting good wedge shots. We couldn't agree more with Sergio. Good wedge play is the foundation of a solid short game. A good wedge shot—whether h... Read >

The Lost Ball Rule: Not As Simple As It Seems

Copyright (c) 2009 Jack Moorehouse Deciding if your ball is lost is easy. You can't find it. Deciding what to do about it, on the other hand, isn't so easy. It's a complex decision more critical than many golfers think. Choose wrong and it can hurt. It... Read >

Fixing Your Game When Things Go Bust (Part II)

Copyright (c) 2009 Jack Moorehouse This is the second of two articles on fixing your game when things go bust. The first article covers driving, iron play, and the short game. This article covers putting and sand play. Like the first article, this arti... Read >

Five Golf Tips From An Old Caddy

Copyright (c) 2009 Jack Moorehouse A short time ago I came across an article penned by a local man who had been caddying since he was a kid. Few courses still have caddies. But back then many courses had them. During his career he had caddied for playe... Read >

Short Cuts To A Lower Golf Handicap

Copyright (c) 2009 Jack Moorehouse Every one likes hitting bombs off the tee. There's nothing more satisfying in golf than that, especially if there's a crowd watching. But you don't have to be a long hitter to have a low golf handicap. In fact, one fo... Read >

Gain More Yardage With Oversized Drivers

Copyright (c) 2009 Jack Moorehouse Where's the sweet spot on my new driver? That's a frequently asked question in many golf instruction sessions. Usually, the golfers asking the question have just bought new oversized drivers and want to maximize dista... Read >

Swing Keys Help Trim Golf Handicap

Copyright (c) 2009 Jack Moorehouse Adam Scott ranks is among the best young players on the PGA Tour. He gets numerous compliments on his swing from other golfers and golfing fans. He should. He has a great swing. And like most PGA pros, he works hard o... Read >

How To Tee The Ball - Driver

Today's oversized drivers offer a great chance to make a serious dent in your golf handicap. They provide advantages that normal sized drivers don't-advantages that mean longer drives, more fairways hit, and better scores. Better scores, in turn, mean a l... Read >

Achieving Consistent Iron Play

Someone once said that consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. While that might be true in life; it's not true in golf. In golf, consistency is the name of the game-the holy grail of anyone who's serious about improving his or her game. Consistency ... Read >

Stop Bad Weather From Boosting Your Golf Handicap

Sometimes you have to play when the weather is bad. Unfortunately, the USGA makes no specific provisions for "winter play," as it's called. There's also nothing in the rules about the lift, clean, and place practice used on the PGA tour when it's wet. Mea... Read >

Golf Tips on Hitting Solid Irons

To improve iron play fast-and chop strokes off your golf handicap-look to your hands. It's hard to hit quality shots if you don't use your hands correctly. As a serious golfer looking to improve, you must learn what role your hands play in hitting iron sh... Read >

Use Ground Leverage to Generate Power

Copyright (c) 2008 Jack Moorehouse What does throwing a baseball and swinging a golf club have in common? They both use the ground to add some power to a motion. You wouldn't get anything on your throw or hit the ball very far if you didn't. You wouldn... Read >

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